Booking / Contract conditions

Your contract is with CALA D’OR VILLAS & VACACIONES S.L.: the title holder of the web site:

NIF: B 57657959  Address: Avenida Cala Llonga, Edificio Porto Cari. 07660 Cala d'0r, Santany, Islas Baleares. 

Phone: +34 971 658 000  e-Mail:

When you make a booking you guarantee that you have the authority to accept, either in your name, or on behalf of your party the following terms of this contract:
Your contract with Cala D’Or Villas & Vacaciones S.L. is in force upon our confirmation of your booking.
The terms and conditions of this contract are subject to Spanish Legislation, and will be subject to the Jurisdiction of the Spanish Judicial system.

The prices which appear on our web site are subject to change, and a modified price supersedes any previous price shown.
The prices are subject to fluctuation and can vary during the course of the year.
The rental price includes the compulsory rate of VAT for Tourist Accommodation required in Spain.

If after we have confirmed your booking you wish to change any of the particulars, for example, the day of departure, or the property chosen, this will always depend on the availability at that time. Any changes to the original booking should be made in writing by the person who made said booking. If you wish to change the property booked it will be considered as a cancellation of the original booking and the terms under “Cancellation of Booking” in this document will apply.

If you wish to cancel a confirmed booking you must do so in writing.
The following cancellation terms apply:
• Should you cancel your booking more that 70 days before the arrival date: you forfeit 30% of the villa/apartment price.
• Should you cancel your booking between 69 and 31 days before the arrival date: you forfeit 60% of the villa/apartment price.
• Should you cancel your booking 30 days or less before the arrival date: you forfeit 100% of the villa/ apartment price.


Should it be necessary to cancel your booking, you will be offered alternative accommodation according to availability. Should the accommodation offered not be accepted by you, Cala D’Or Villas & Vacaciones S.L. will refund the total amount paid for the booking.
Flights, car rental or any other amenities that are not booked through Cala D’Or Villas & Vacaciones S.L. are not covered under the terms of this contract.

In the case of war, acts of terrorism, uprisings, industrial dispute or action, natural or nuclear disasters, fire, adverse metrological conditions, or any other kind of unforeseeable circumstances that can be attributed to “Force Majuere” Cala D’Or Villas & Vacaciones S.L. are under no obligation whatever to compensate clients for cancellation or modification of a booking, or loss of enjoyment during their stay.

In the case that you wish to complain or require any service during your stay, please call the following telephone numbers: (00 34) 971 658 000 (Monday to Friday from 09.00 – 13.00 & 15.00 – 19.00, Saturdays and Bank Holidays: 09.30 – 13.00). In the case of an emergency service request outside these times please call the mobile phone Nº (00 34) 667 487 121 (19.00 – 22.00 Monday to Friday and Saturdays 13.00 –22.00, Sundays 09.00 – 22.00). Only complaints registered during your stay in resort will be considered. If you have a service request (for example no water in the accommodation) our handymen or other qualified personnel will be sent to rectify the problem. Please bear in mind that the emergency phone service does not signify that maintenance service is available during 24hours a day. Service requests that are not of an urgent nature will be resolved as soon as we are able.

Should the property rented suffer any damages or breakages either willfully and/or caused by inappropriate or incorrect usage on behalf of the clients, reserve the right to charge the clients within 14 days for the resulting repair, cost, or substitution of the article concerned.

The descriptions of the properties that appear on our web site have been written by members of our staff who have personally visited the property in question, and are written in good faith. However, some changes to the property may occur without our previous knowledge. Should this be the case the client will be informed as and when they are made known to us.
However, we cannot be held responsible for any inaccuracies beyond our control. In some areas power cuts or water cuts may occur, and we cannot be held responsible for any temporary lack of amenities beyond our control.
We also ask you to bear in mind that the properties are designed and equipped for a maximum of clients, which should not be exceeded. This information is detailed on our web site for the property concerned.

Should you reserve a property with heating or/and air conditioning available, please take into account that they have a fixed and limited timetable (13.00h to 15.00h and 20.00h. to 08.00h.). This timetable can not be changed.

Most of the properties have a covered porch area, but not all of them. Equally some of the properties provide parasols, but not all of them.
All of the properties (except for the apartments and villa Nins) provide sun beds for the maximum number of pax. allowed in the property.
Due to wear and tear and subsequent replacements, the type of parasol and/or sun beds in the property may vary from our web site photos, and the client could find others in place on occupancy. We will not accept responsibility for these differences.

Should building works be in progress on neighbouring properties to the accommodation contacted the client should inform Cala D’Or Villas & Vacaciones S.L. immediately. Every effort will then be made to stop the building works in question. Should this not be legally possible and the resulting noise cause loss of enjoyment Cala D’Or Villas & Vacaciones S.L. will offer alternative accommodation according to availability.
As Building Works are beyond the control of Cala D’Or Villas & Vacaciones S.L. they are excluded of any responsibility or compensations that could be claimed.


No commercial activity may be carried out in the reserved holiday home. Likewise, parties and any immoral, annoying and unhealthy activity prohibited by law are strictly prohibited. The tenant must comply with the municipal noise regulations, being the only party responsible for their conduct before the Police and/or the City Council. Failure to comply with the indicated rules of conduct may lead to the immediate termination of the rental contract.

We ask you to bear in mind that for the majority of our properties, car hire is essential, or airport transfers by minibus or taxi.
You can find a link on our web site for car rental and airport transfers by a local company. However Cala D’Or Villas & 

It is the responsibility of the adults in the party to safeguard their children’s welfare. Notably in the following areas: balconies, swimming pools, staircases etc. We will not consider any kind of compensation should any accident occur.

Mosquitoes, ants and other are endemic to hot climates, more so in rural or country areas. Insecticides can be a good solution to this problem, but precautions can also be taken by the clients mostly in the kitchen,where the rubbish bin should be emptied often, food should be put away and crumbs etc. not left on work surfaces or floors. Mosquitoes can be dealt with by purchase of a good repellent at supermarkets or the chemists. Many of our properties are set in gardens, or the countryside, and dormice or similar rodents may be present. They also can proceed from neighbouring farms.
Although unfortunate this must be considered as part and parcel of the ecological system in these parts.


Our maid service which is on the day of arrival consists of a cleaning throughout the property and the making of the beds. Bed linen will be changed once for stays longer than 10 nights. The kitchen and barbecue are not cleaned during your stay. You are asked to remove any rubbish yourself.

Please bear in mind that beach towels are not provided. We ask you to bring your own. We also ask our clients to please not use the towels provided in the villas as beach or pool towels.

The property will be available for your occupancy at 16.00 pm on the day of arrival. This will enable us to prepare the property after the previous guests departure.
We also require guests to vacate the property on departure day at 10.00 am latest.

The maintenance of the property is the responsibility of the owner or authorised personnel. The gardens require regular maintenance, which may not always be possible on a change over day.
With reference to the maintenance of the swimming pools: This is usually carried out two or three times a week. The maintenance personnel for pools and gardens cannot always attend at any given time, and because of this no previous appointments for this work can be given. We ask for your understanding when the maintenance crew attend your property. We are sure that you understand that such maintenance is necessary for the care of the property, and for your own enjoyment of the same.

Almost all the properties in our programme provide a safe, but not all of them. If you wish to ensure that there is a safe in the property you reserve please contact us and make sure it is available.
We recommend that you make use of the safe when provided for any valuable items, passports etc. There is no charge for the use of the safe, and therefore we accept no responsibility for contents in the case of robbery.

Cala d'Or villas y vacaciones S.L. informs the user that the treatment of all personal data is carried out in accordance with the provisions of Law 15/1999 of December 13 Data Protection and Royal Decree 1720/2007 of December 21 , approving the Regulation implementing Law 15/1999 of 13 December on the Protection of Personal Data.

NEW! General Data Protection and Regulation (GDPR)

We treat the information you provide us in order to provide the requested service, make the billing of the same. The data provided will be kept as long as the commercial relationship is maintained or during the years necessary to comply with the legal obligations. The data will NOT be transferred to third parties except in cases where there is a legal obligation.

  You have the right to obtain confirmation about whether in CALA D'OR VILLAS AND VACACIONES S.L. ( we are treating your personal data so you have the right to access your personal data, correct inaccurate data or request its deletion when the data is no longer necessary.

The site uses security techniques generally accepted in the information industry, such as firewalls, access control procedures and cryptographic mechanisms, all with the aim of preventing unauthorized access to data. To achieve these ends, the user / customer agrees that the provider to obtain data for purposes of authentication for access control. All recruitment process or the introduction of personal data (health, ideology, ...) are always transmitted via secure communication protocol (https://) in such a way that no third party has access to information transmitted electronically. 

Privacy Policy

Por favor, lea esta política detenidamente. En ella encontrará información importante sobre el tratamiento de sus datos personales y los derechos que le reconoce la normativa vigente en la materia.  

Nos reservamos el derecho de actualizar nuestra política de privacidad en cualquier momento con motivo de decisiones empresariales, así como para cumplir con eventuales cambios legislativos o jurisprudenciales. Si tiene dudas o necesita cualquier aclaración respecto a nuestra Política de privacidad o a sus derechos, puede contactar con nosotros a través de los canales que se indican más abajo.

En caso de proporcionar datos de carácter personal de terceros, se compromete a obtener el consentimiento previo de los afectados y a informarles acerca del contenido de esta política.   

De manera general, los campos de nuestros formularios que son señalados como obligatorios, deberán necesariamente ser cumplimentados para poder tramitar sus solicitudes.

¿Quién es el responsable del tratamiento de sus datos? El responsable del tratamiento de sus datos la entidad Cala Dor Villas y Vacaciones, S.L. (en adelante, VILLASCALADOR.COM), con domicilio en Avda. Cala Llonga, Edificio Porto Cari Local 13, 07660 Cala d’Or. Santanyí (Illes Balears); Teléfono: +34 971 658 000; Email:

¿Para qué trataremos sus datos y sobre qué base jurídica?

Gestión de la relación con los clientes y usuarios: Tratamos los datos que nuestros clientes y usuarios proporcionen en sus consultas y en los formularios de reserva para atender sus solicitudes, gestionar su reserva y la prestación de los servicios vinculados a la misma. 

Los datos de las transacciones realizadas en la web serán igualmente tratados para fines de gestión contable y administrativa y el cumplimiento de nuestras obligaciones legales en materia contable y fiscal. 

Estos tratamientos son necesarios para la ejecución del contrato o para la aplicación de medidas precontractuales a propia petición de los interesados.  

Envío de comunicaciones comerciales y gestión de listas de distribución: Tratamos los datos identificativos y de contacto proporcionados por nuestros clientes y las personas que se den de alta en nuestras listas de distribución para enviarles comunicaciones relativas a nuestras actividades y servicios.

Para gestionar nuestras listas de distribución realizamos una segmentación de los destinatarios de nuestras comunicaciones en función de su mercado o idioma. Este tratamiento consiste en una simple clasificación según criterios objetivos y no tiene por finalidad la realización de perfiles comerciales, de predicciones o de análisis comportamentales.

Estos tratamientos se basan en el consentimiento que se le solicita. No prestar su consentimiento o retirarlo no condiciona la ejecución del pedido o la prestación de los servicios contratados.

En cualquier momento podrá solicitar su baja de los tratamientos con fines comerciales activando el enlace previsto a tal fin en nuestras comunicaciones o enviando un email a:

¿A quién podemos comunicar sus datos? Sus datos sólo serán comunicados a terceros por obligación legal, con su consentimiento o cuando su petición implique tal comunicación. Por ejemplo, en caso de reservas que contengan servicios accesorios prestados por terceros proveedores o que la petición de disponibilidad que formule esté relacionada con estos servicios, los datos personales necesarios para la tramitación de dicha reserva/petición de disponibilidad, serán comunicados a los correspondientes proveedores, sólo con esta finalidad.  

¿Cuánto tiempo conservaremos sus datos?  De manera general conservaremos sus datos durante la vigencia de la relación que mantiene con nosotros y en todo caso durante los plazos previstos en las disposiciones legales aplicables, por ejemplo, en materia contable y fiscal, y durante el tiempo necesario para atender a posibles responsabilidades nacidas del tratamiento. Cancelaremos sus datos cuando hayan dejado de ser necesarios o pertinentes para las finalidades para las cuales fueron recabados. Los datos tratados para nuestras comunicaciones comerciales se conservarán vigentes mientras no solicite su supresión. 

¿Cuáles son sus derechos? Tiene derecho a obtener confirmación de si estamos tratando o no sus datos personales y, en tal caso, acceder a los mismos.  Puede igualmente pedir que sus datos sean rectificados cuando sean inexactos o a que se completen los datos que sean incompletos, así como solicitar su supresión cuando, entre otros motivos, los datos ya no sean necesarios para los fines para los que fueron recogidos. 

En determinadas circunstancias, podrá solicitar la limitación del tratamiento de sus datos. En tal caso, sólo trataremos los datos afectados para la formulación, el ejercicio o la defensa de reclamaciones o con miras a la protección de los derechos de otras personas. En determinadas condiciones y por motivos relacionados con su situación particular, podrá igualmente oponerse al tratamiento de sus datos. En este caso, dejaremos de tratar los datos salvo por motivos legítimos imperiosos que prevalezcan sobre sus intereses o derechos y libertades, o para la formulación, el ejercicio o la defensa de reclamaciones. Así mismo y bajo ciertas condiciones podrá solicitar la portabilidad de sus datos para que sean transmitidos a otro responsable del tratamiento.

Puede revocar el consentimiento que hubiese prestado para determinadas finalidades, sin que ello afecte a la licitud del tratamiento basado en el consentimiento previo a su retirada, y presentar una reclamación ante la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos. 

Para solicitar su baja de los tratamientos con fines comerciales puede utilizar el enlace previsto a tal efecto en nuestras comunicaciones o enviar un email a la siguiente dirección de correo electrónico:

Para ejercer sus derechos deberá remitirnos una solicitud por correo postal o electrónico a las direcciones indicadas en el apartado ¿Quién es el responsable del tratamiento de sus datos?

Podrá obtener más información sobre sus derechos y cómo ejercerlos en la Agencia Española de Protección de Datos en

Cookie Policy

In accordance with the provisions of article 22.2 of Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Services of the Society of the Information and Electronic Commerce (LSSI-CE) in force, Cala Dor Villas y Vacaciones, S.L must comply with the obligation to inform about the cookies it uses and its purposes. This website uses cookies and/or similar technologies that store and retrieve information when you browse. Cookies allow a web page, among other things, to store and retrieve information about habits navigation of a User or his team and, depending on the information it contains and the way in which used by your computer, can be used to recognize the User.
Cookies are essential for the operation of the Internet, providing innumerable advantages in the provision of interactive services, making it easier for the User to navigate and use our website. The user can modify the personalized configuration HERE The information we provide below will help you understand the different types of cookies:

Are those that are sent to the terminal equipment of the user from a computer or domain managed by the publisher itself and from which the service is provided requested by the user

Are those that are sent to the terminal equipment of the user from a computer or domain that is not managed by the publisher, but by another entity that treats the data obtained through cookies.
Are those designed to collect and store data while the user accesses a page Web. They are often used to store information that is only interesting to keep for the provision of the service requested by the user in a single occasion (for example, a list of products purchased) and disappear at the end of the session

They are those in which the data follows stored in the terminal and can be accessed and processed during a defined period by the person responsible for the cookie, and that can go from a few minutes to several years.
They are those that allow the user the navigation through a web page, platform or application and the use of the different options or services that exist in it

They allow the application of their own characteristics for the user navigation through the website (eg language).

They are those that allow the person responsible for the monitoring and analysis of the website user behavior to which they are linked, including the quantification of the impacts of the advertisements. The information collected through this type of cookies is used in the measurement of the activity of the websites, application or platform, in order to to introduce improvements based on the analysis of the usage data made by users of the service.

They allow the editor to include in the web page advertising spaces, according to the content of the own website.

They are those that store information about the user behavior obtained through of the continuous observation of their habits of navigation, allowing you to develop a profile specific to display advertising based on the same.

Additionally, Cala Dor Villas y Vacaciones, S.L informs in more detail about the cookies that uses its owners, the use or specific purpose, the conservation periods as well as the Transfers International data of each of them used on our website:

HEADLINE COOKIE PURPOSE STORAGE PHPSESSID Preserves user session state across all page requests session
GOOGLE ANALYTICS _ga Records a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data about how the visitor uses the website. 399 days
GOOGLE ANALYTICS _gat Used by Google Analytics to control request rate 1 day
GOOGLE ANALYTICS _gid Registers a unique ID that is used to generate statistical data about how you use the visitor to the website. 1 day

Keep in mind that if you accept third-party cookies, you must delete them from the browser options or from the system offered by the third party itself.
Below we provide you with the links of various browsers, through which you can modify the configuration of your browser on the use of cookies:

- Firefox from here:
- Chrome from here:
- Explorer from here:
- Safari from here:
- Operate from here:

To learn more about the processing of personal data, we recommend you visit our "Privacy Policy" section.

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